Spiritual Homeopathy

Cushing’s Syndrome

Cushing’s syndrome refers to the clinical manifestations induced by, chronic exposure to excess corticosteroid. 

Basically, Pituitary corticotrope adenomas account for 70% of patients with endogenous causes of Cushing’s syndrome.

However, it should be emphasized that iatrogenic hypercortisolism is the most common cause of cushingoid features.

1.Firstly,  ACTH excess i.e.: –

  • Cushing’s disease Ectopic ACTH secretion
  • Carcinoma of lung (especially small cell)
  • Carcinoid tumors of either thymus or lung
  • Medullary carcinoma of thyroid
  • Carcinoma of colon
  • Pheochromocytoma

2.Secondly, Non-ACT dependent i.e.: –

  • Primary unilateral adrenocortical tumors (either adenoma or carcinoma)
  • McCune-Albright syndrome: Bilateral tumor (e.g. Gsα mutation)
  • Primary pigmented nodular dysplasia

3. Thirdly, ACTH – independent i.e.: –

  • Macronodular adrenal hyperplasia Spontaneous Cushing’s syndrome

There are two types of Cushing’s syndrome.

Exogenous Cushing’s syndrome

Exogenous Cushing’s syndrome is when the cause comes from something outside the body’s function.

It often results from long-term, high-dose usage of corticosteroid drugs, also known as glucocorticoids. These are similar to cortisol.

Examples include:

  • prednisone
  • dexamethasone
  • methylprednisolone

People with rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, asthma, and recipients of an organ transplant may need high doses of these drugs.

Injectable corticosteroids, a treatment for joint pain, back pain and bursitis, can also lead to Cushing’s syndrome.

Steroid medications that do not appear to increase the risk of Cushing’s syndrome are:

  • steroid creams, a treatment option for eczema
  • inhaled steroids, a treatment for asthma

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Trusted Source (NIDDK) note that over 10 million people in the United States use glucocorticoid medications each year, but it remains unclear how many develop the symptoms of Cushing’s syndrome.

Endogenous Cushing’s syndrome

Endogenous Cushing’s syndrome is when the cause comes from inside the body, for example, when the adrenal glands produce too much cortisol.

Cushing’s disease is an example of this.

Similar symptoms can also result from adrenal gland tumors or from a benign or malignant tumor in the pancreas, thyroid, thymus gland, or lung. 

Body compartment/system

Signs and symptoms


Body fat  – Weight gain, central obesity, rounded face, fat pad on back of neck (in other words, “buffalo hump”)
Skin – Facial plethora, thin also brittle skin, easy bruising, broad also purple stretch marks, acne, hirsutism
Bone – Osteopenia, osteoporosis (especially, vertebral fractures), decreased linear growth in children
Muscle – Weakness, proximal myopathy(prominent atrophy of gluteal also upper leg muscles) either with difficulty climbing stairs or getting up from a chair
Cardiovascular system – Hypertension, hypokalemia, edema, additionally atherosclerosis
Metabolism – Glucose intolerance/diabetes, dyslipidemia
Reproductive system – Decreased libido, in women amenorrhea (due to cortisol-mediated inhibition of gonadotropin release)
Central nervous system – Irritability, emotional lability, depression, sometimes cognitive defects; occasionally, in severe cases, paranoid psychosis
Blood and immune system – Increased susceptibility to infections, increased white blood cell count, eosinopenia, hypercoagulation with increased risk of deep vein thrombosis also pulmonary embolism.


For Cushing syndrome, managing diet is important to minimize symptoms. Here’s what to focus on:

  1. Reduce Salt: Avoid high-sodium foods to help control high blood pressure and fluid retention (e.g., processed foods, canned soups).
  2. Increase Potassium: Foods like bananas, oranges, spinach, and sweet potatoes can help balance sodium levels.
  3. Limit Sugary Foods: Reduce sugar and refined carbs (e.g., sugary drinks, white bread) to manage blood sugar levels.
  4. Protein-Rich Foods: Lean meats, beans, and tofu support muscle health and prevent muscle wasting.
  5. Calcium and Vitamin D: Dairy products, fortified foods, and leafy greens help protect bones from thinning.
  6. Healthy Fats: Opt for omega-3-rich foods like fish, nuts, and seeds to reduce inflammation.

Consult with a healthcare provider for tailored dietary advice.

  • Reducing sodium intake
  • Increasing calcium and vitamin D intake
  • Reducing cholesterol
  • Controlling blood sugar
  • Reducing or eliminating alcohol and tobacco 

Homeopathic Medicines for Cushing’s Syndrome

The homeopathic remedies (medicines) given below indicate the therapeutic affinity but this is not a complete and definite guide to the homeopathy treatment of this condition. The symptoms listed against each homeopathic remedy may not be directly related to this disease because in homeopathy general symptoms and constitutional indications also taken into account for selecting a remedy, potency and repetition of dose by Homeopathic doctor. 

So, here we describe homeopathic medicine only for reference and education purpose. Do not take medicines without consulting registered homeopathic doctor (BHMS or M.D. Homeopath).  

Medicine for Cushing’s Syndrome:

Calcarea carbonica:

  • Fair, fat, flabby and perspiring also cold, damp and sour. Additionally, Apprehensive.
  • Craving for indigestible things – chalk, coal, peanuts.; also, for eggs, salt also sweets. Milk disagrees.
  • Ravenous hunger. Besides this, Repugnance to hot food. Wants cold drinks.
  • All in all, Loss of appetite when overworked. Palpitation. Weakness. Worse – especially; at night, after eating.

Fucous vesiculosus:

  • Especially indicated medicine “For obesity and non – toxic goiter.”
  • Furthermore, Digestion is furthered and flatulence is diminished, Obstinate constipation.
  • Forehead feels as if compressed by iron ring.
  • Lastly, Thyroid enlargement in obese subjects.


  • Generally, Stout, fair complexion with tendency to skin affections also constipation, fat, chilly and costive.
  • Moreover, Tendency to obesity. Aversion to meat. Besides this, Sweets nauseate.
  • Hot drinks disagree. Additionally, Burning in stomach causing hunger.
  • Worse – warmth, night, during also after menstruation. On the other hand, Better – dark, from wrapping up.


  • Good medicine for Cushing’s Syndrome
  • Bruised pain in small of back, especially when sitting. Tearing pain in coccyx, better pressing on abdomen.
  • Extremities – Weakness of limbs, bone-pain alsonin limbs, worse night.
  • Patient very sensitive to cold. Additionally, Oily perspiration.
  • Trembling extremities, especially hands, paralysis agitans. Specifically, Lacerating pains in joints.
  • Cold, clammy sweat on legs at night. Lastly, Dropsical swelling of feet also legs.


  • Back- Burning in back; especially, pain as if broken, heat between the shoulder blades, Weak spine.
  • Extremities- Weakness and trembling from every exertion.
  • Can scarcely hold anything with hands. Tibia inflamed also becomes necrosed.
  • Arms, hands become numb. All in all, Can lie only right side, joints suddenly give way.


  • Specifically indicated medicine for Cushing’s Syndrome
  • Most importantly, Thyroid exercises a general regulating influence over the mechanism of the organs of nutrition, growth and development.
  • Another key point is that, Thyroid weakness causes decided craving for large amounts of sweets.
  • At last, Excessive obesity. Best with pale patients. Weak; tachycardia; Palpitation from least exertion.


  • Back Weak spine, very susceptible to draughts on back. Additionally, Pain in coccyx, diseases of bones of spine.


  • Lax fiber, weak; diminished vital heat. Generally, Fat, indolent, opposed to physical exertion.
  • General uncleanliness of body. Especially in Homesickness.
  • Worse – while eating, from heat. Whereas; Better – open air, uncovering, draughts.

What is Cushing’s Syndrome

Cushing’s syndrome refers to the clinical manifestations induced by, chronic exposure to excess corticosteroid.

Homeopathic Medicines used by Homeopathic Doctors in treatment of Cushing’s Syndrome

  • Calcarea carbonica
  • Fucous vesiculosus
  • Graphites
  • Mercurious
  • Phosphorus
  • Thyroidinum
  • Silicea
  • Capsicum

What are the symptoms of Cushing’s Syndrome

  • Weight gain
  • Central obesity
  • Rounded face, fat pad on back of neck (in other words, “buffalo hump”)
  • Facial plethora
  • Thin also brittle skin
  • Osteopenia, Osteoporosis
  • Weakness
  • Proximal myopathy
  • Hypertension
  • Hypokalemia
  • Edema
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Irritability, Motional lability, also Depression

What are the causes of Cushing’s Syndrome

  • Ectopic ACTH secretion
  • Carcinoma of lung
  • Carcinoid tumors of either thymus or lung
  • Medullary carcinoma of thyroid
  • Carcinoma of colon
  • Pheochromocytoma
  • adenoma
  • McCune-Albright syndrome
  • Primary pigmented nodular dysplasia
  • Macronodular adrenal hyperplasia

[1] Medicine Golwala

[2] ABC Manual Of Materia Medica And Therapeutics (Therap Part) By Clarke G. H.

[3] https://www.healthline.com/health/cushings-syndrome#:~:text=Cushing%20syndrome%20can%20lead%20to,high%20blood%20pressure%20(hypertension).

[4]What risk factors are associated with Cushing’s syndrome? (mymed.com)

[5]Cushing’s syndrome pathophysiology – wikidoc

[6]Cushing’s syndrome: Causes, symptoms, types, and diagnosis (medicalnewstoday.com)

[7]Cushing’s syndrome diagnosis – investigation (endobible.com)

[8]Prevention of cushing’s disease | Healthy Living articles | Well Being center | SteadyHealth.com